If the sportsbook is busy with action, it must be football season. Be it the NFL or NCAA, football betting action is fast and furious during the season. For the newbie sports bettor, it could seem a little confusing, but football bets really drop to two types-straight bets and parlay bets.

Football Betting – Straight Bets

Here’s the workhorse for just about any winning football bettor. A straight bet simply means you’re betting using one football game. In the event that you bet on multiple game on the same ticket, it is a parlay, and we’ll talk about that in a minute.

When you make a straight football bet, you could be betting on a side or total. Simply put, when 먹튀폴리스 bet a side, you “select a side” in the game. For example, let’s say the New England Patriots are playing the Seattle Seahawks. If you’re going to bet a side, you’d bet on either the Patriots or the Seahawks.

Every game includes a point total (except NCAA football, that is most games). It is the level of points scored between both teams. When you bet a total, you’re betting under or higher that total. For instance, suppose the total is 47 and you take the over. To win, both teams must combine for 48 or even more points (47 would be a push, therefore you get your bet back).

Football Betting – Parlays

Okay, so you know about straight bets, that is where you bet on just one thing per ticket. When you wish to bet on multiple thing, it’s a parlay. You can bet on 2 – 20 things (depends upon the sportsbook).

For instance, let’s say you bet on the Seahawks and on the total on your ticket. That might be a 2-team parlay (even though technically there’s only one team on it).

The more items you placed on the ticket, the more money you’ll win if they all hit. Naturally, the more items on the ticket, the harder it really is to win.

With parlay bets it’s an all or nothing thing. If one pick fails, the ticket is dead. Some sportsbooks will run specials so you can get close, but that’s very rare.

If you enter making football bets via parlay tickets, you might check out “teasers,” which are parlay tickets with added points for you personally. For instance, instead of taking the Packers -10, you can find them at -3. Needless to say, the payouts certainly are a less since the risk is minimized.

Football betting is a blast and there’s nothing better than hitting the sportsbook with a large winning ticket. I hit straight football bets and parlays all season long. I anticipate the NFL and NCAA football seasons.

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